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Thorsten Tarrach was at IST Austria from 2012 to 2016 as a PhD student in the Henzinger Group. He is now a researcher at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. He will talk about his research and what it is like to work on the boundary between research and industry.

At the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology we work on the boundary between research and industry in fields ranging from health, biology, to energy and computer science. Our goal is to connect research with the Austrian industry and ensure they are fit for the future. In the Dependable Systems Engineering group we focus on safety and security in software engineering, in particular on automating software testing.

In this talk I will outline my work at AIT, the work environment, what industrial research means, how it is funded and for who that may be the right job after a PhD or Post-Doc.

Friday 27th of April 2018, Mondi 2
4pm : Scientific talk / 4:30pm : Q&A session about career development / 5pm : Refreshments