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Oct 17, 2023

bigX 23

bigX 23 ISTA Innovation Exchange: eXcite, eXplore, eXpand

Date: October 17, 2023 | 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Moonstone Seminar Center, ISTA
Language: English

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We are delighted to introduce a groundbreaking transformation to our long-standing "Science Industry Talk" tradition. Join us for the debut of the inaugural bigX event, presented in collaboration with the Federation of Austrian Industries. In sync with the recent unveiling of the xista brand, symbolizing ISTA's pioneering strides in innovation, we usher in a new era for our annual gathering. The 'X' symbolizes our unwavering commitment to transcending boundaries—bridging the realms of science and industry, uniting diverse scientific domains, and forging connections across various industry sectors.

We cordially invite you to join us on a remarkable journey into the forefront of innovation and exploration as we assemble leading scientists, researchers, and industry players.

  • eXcite: Our opening session promises a captivating discussion about ISTA's newest spinoff endeavors. Together, we will delve into the strategies for scaling these ventures and identifying growth opportunities in the areas of low noise lasers, DNA synthesis, mental health, or solute carrier drug discovery.
  • eXplore: Prepare to immerse yourselves in one of our thought-provoking breakout sessions:
  1. Unmasking AI's Dark Side: Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges
  2. neXt Cure: Exploring the Future of Brain Therapies
  3. Trends in Biomedical Imaging: AI Glimpse into the Future
  4. From Lab to Market: The Alchemy of Innovation in Chemistry
  5. Soft Matter: The Art of Understanding and Designing Complexity
  6. Sustainability: Hacking Energy Conundrum
  7. Communication: Insights for Scientist Innovators
  • eXpand: To culminate our conference, we are honored to present a keynote address titled eXpanding your Vision: Bringing Science to Market by Tom Miller, a visionary Med-Tech CEO, and distinguished investor. 
  • Learn about financing in our discussion: Let's Talk Money: Funding Europe's Science Ventures
  • eXchange: Get to know some exciting startup companies at the bigX StartUp Exchange.

At the end we invite you to join us for an evening of networking and refreshments at the newly inaugurated Moonstone Seminar Center.

Your ISTA and xista innovation Team


5:30pm Welcome by Martin Hetzer, President ISTA, Georg Knill, President Federation of Austrian Industries and Markus Wanko, Managing Director, xista
6:00pm eXcite – News from ISTA Spin-Offs
Jodi Barrientos, CBO, Ribon Biolabs GmbH; Ariel Bensimon, Co-Founder and CEO, Solgate GmbH; Marc Caffrey, Founder and Managing Director, Syntropic Medical GmbH; Fritz Diorico, xista Fellow and Founder Tulon Photonics
6:20pm eXplore: Break Outs on Seven Core Technologies of the Future
Unmasking AI’s Dark Side: Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges Thomas Hoffmann, Founder and Partner, TechInCapital GmbH; Matteo Maffei, Professor, TU Wien; Krzystof Pietzrak, Professor, ISTA
neXt Cure: Exploring the Future of Brain Therapies Alessandro Venturino, CTO, Syntropic Medical GmbH; Tim Vogels, Professor, ISTA; Mehmet Fatih Yanik, Professor, ETH Zürich
Trends in Biomedical Imaging: AI Glimpse into the Future Hanz Danzl, Assistant Professor, ISTA; Niki Krall, Executive VP Precision Medicine, Exscientia; Georg Langs, Assoc. Professor, MedUni Wien
From Lab to Market: The Alchemy of Innovation in Chemistry Andreas Goller, Head of Medicinal Chemistry, Solgate GmbH; Bartolomäus Pieber, Assistant Professor, ISTA
Soft Matter: The Art of Understanding and Designing Complexity Andela Saric, Assistant Professor, ISTA; Oliver Spadiut, Professor at TU Vienna and Co-Founder of NovoArc; Scott Waitukaitis, Assistant Professor, ISTA
Sustainability: Hacking Energy Conundrum Stefan Freunberger, Assistant Professor, ISTA; Gebhard Ottacher, Managing Director, Climate Lab; Anna Pölzl, Co-Founder and CEO, nista
Communication: Insights for Scientist Innovators Sophie Fessl, Head of Communications & Partnerschips, IMBA/GMI; Richard Hayhurst, Founder, RHA Communications; Mariella Neuwirther, Marketing Manager, Nobilegroup
7:00pm eXpand: Keynote ‘eXpanding Your Vision: Bringing Science to Markets Tom Miller, Founder, Greybird Ventures
7:20pm Panel Discussion: Let’s Talk Money: Funding Europe’s Science Ventures
Tom Miller, Founder, Greybird Ventures; Regina Hodits, Managing Partner, Wellington Partners; Hubert Cottogni, Head of EIB Group Office in Austria; Svetoslav Stefanov, Senior Investment Officer, European Investment Bank
7:50pm Closing remarks by Bernd Bickel, Vice President Technology Transfer ISTA
8:00pm eXchange: Networking with Buffet

More Information:

October 17, 2023
5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Moonstone Seminar Center, ISTA



Event Office and xista innovation



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