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Guet Group

Systems and Synthetic Biology of Genetic Networks

Living systems are characterized by connections and interactions across many scales – from genes, to organelles, to cells, to organs, to ecologies – as parts of networks. Which basic rules, if any, do these networks follow? The Guet group studies the molecular biology and evolution of gene regulatory networks by analyzing both natural and synthetic networks.

Genes and proteins constitute themselves into bio-molecular networks in cells. These genetic networks are engaged in a constant process of decision-making and computation over time scales of a few seconds to the time it takes a cell to divide, and beyond. By studying existing networks and constructing synthetic networks in living cells, the group works to understand how molecular mechanisms interact with evolutionary forces that ultimately shape each other. They use a variety of classical and modern experimental techniques that together enable them to construct any imaginable network in living bacteria and thus to study the network dynamics from the single-cell level all the way to the level of small ecologies, in which bacteria interact with bacteriophages.

Image of Iva Atanaskovic

Iva Atanaskovic


Image of Athina Diakogianni

Athina Diakogianni

PhD Student

Image of Nathalie Gruber

Nathalie Gruber

PhD Student

Image of Ekaterina Krasnopeeva

Ekaterina Krasnopeeva


Image of Antoine Loussouarn

Antoine Loussouarn

PhD Student

Image of Stepan Ovchinnikov

Stepan Ovchinnikov

PhD Student

Image of Roderich Römhild

Roderich Römhild


+43 2243 9000 4003

Image of Bryan Wu

Bryan Wu

PhD Student

Image of Puzhen Xia

Puzhen Xia

PhD Student

Current Projects

Information processing and evolution of complex promoters | Single-cell biology of multi-drug resistance | Biology, ecology, and evolutionary dynamics of restriction-modification systems

Recent Publications

Pleska M, Lang M, Refardt D, Levin B, Guet CC. 2018. Phage-host population dynamics promotes prophage acquisition in bacteria with innate immunity. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2(2), 359–366. View

Lagator M, Sarikas S, Acar H, Bollback JP, Guet CC. 2017. Regulatory network structure determines patterns of intermolecular epistasis. eLife. 6, e28921. View

Steinrück M, Guet CC. 2017. Complex chromosomal neighborhood effects determine the adaptive potential of a gene under selection. eLife. 6, e25100. View

Bergmiller T, Andersson AM, Tomasek K, Balleza E, Kiviet D, Hauschild R, Tkačik G, Guet CC. 2017. Biased partitioning of the multidrug efflux pump AcrAB TolC underlies long lived phenotypic heterogeneity. Science. 356(6335), 311–315. View

View All Publications

ReX-Link: Calin Guet


Since 2018 Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
2011 – 2018 Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
2009 Postdoc, Harvard University, USA
2005 – 2008 Postdoc, The University of Chicago, USA
2004 PhD, Princeton University, USA

Selected Distinctions

2017 ESPCI Chair, Paris
2015 ETAPS EASST Best Paper Award
2011 HFSP Young Investigator Grant
2005 Yen Fellow, The University of Chicago

Additional Information

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