BookList (koha.ista.ac.at) is the library catalog containing an increasing number of books and eBooks available at ISTA. Here you will find all book items offered by the library for general use, but it also includes numerous books held by the research groups of ISTA.
Physical books
At the moment, the library offers approximately 2’600 books to lend in the fields of biology, mathematics, physics, computer science etc.
Library books are freely accessible 24/7 at the library located on the on the ground floor of Sunstone Building. With the exception of reference books, you can borrow these books by using the Self Checkout System.
BookList also lets you manage your library account. It shows the books you have recently borrowed, allows you to renew your borrowed items and to put books on hold.
Besides the physical books, you can also search the catalog for more than 130’000 eBooks licensed for ISTA employees. The catalog leads you directly to the publisher where you can read or download the items.
Book Suggestions
If you want to suggest a book for the library to add to its collection, don’t hesitate to use the Purchase Suggestion Tool. After login please enter the crucial parameters of the book you suggest and write a short comment why the library should provide the book. We will try to purchase books which could also be of use to other readers as soon as possible.
Interlibrary Loan
In case you only need a chapter, or the book seems to be too specific for general use, we ask you to fill out the form for an Interlibrary Loan. Please set the type of the document you are requesting (book or book part) and enter the essential information in the form. We will try to get an electronic copy or borrow the physical book from a partner library.
User Guide for BookList
For further information on how to use the catalog, please read the BookList User Guide.
Further Library Catalogs
- Catalog of the Vienna University of Technology Library (TU Wien)
Includes all library material to be found at the Vienna University of Technology. - Search Engine of the Austrian Library Network
Provides the holdings of the most important Austrian scientific libraries.
As a member of ISTA, you are entitled to use the library of any Austrian educational establishment (e.g. University of Vienna libraries) free of charge. Before visiting an external library for the first time, please read the terms of use of the library concerned or ask the ISTA library team. As a rule, you will need your ISTA ID Card and proof of residence (Meldezettel) for borrowing books in other university libraries.