Off-campus access via a proxy for licensed online resources of the Library
ISTA members have the possibility, if they are outside the IP-range of ISTA, to access the licensed online resources of the library via a proxy. A VPN connection is not sufficient as it allows access to ISTA services but not to licensed content.
The proxy server is interposed between the client and the respective databases in order to gain access to the licensed content. After logging in via the proxy, the IP address of the proxy is forwarded to the provider and not the IP address of the client, which enables access to the content.
If you are working on a laptop or desktop, you have two options for external access. If you want to search for an article on your mobile phone, only option 2 is currently possible for external access.
Option 1 – proxy via “bookmarklet”
- As a first step, please copy the following code (“bookmarklet”) and paste it into the bookmark toolbar of your browser (Firefox, Safari…). You can assign a name of your choice e.g. EZproxy:
Please find attached a guideline for Safari. If you have troubles to install the bookmarklet, please let us know.

- Search for an article like you normally do.
- By clicking on the bookmarklet “EZproxy” in your browser you can reload the website and after successful sign in with your ISTA credentials you can access the licensed content.
Option 2 – proxy via link:
Via the link – – you can directly access the publishers’ homepages mentioned in the list after entering your ISTA credentials. On the homepages, you can search for relevant articles and will have access as usual.
Additionally, we would recommend using Zotero as a browser plugin. You can configure it to save the proxy settings for each publisher, the next time you come to the journal from e.g. Google or PubMed, you will be automatically redirected through the proxy (maybe you just need to log in again).