Alpichshev Group
Condensed Matter and Ultrafast Optics
To understand a complex system, it is often useful to bring it out of equilibrium: the recovery dynamics will reveal a great deal about its inner workings. The Alpichshev group uses ultra-fast optical methods to understand the physical mechanisms underlying some of the extremely complicated phenomena in many-body physics.
One of the most important problems in modern physics is to understand the behavior of a large number of strongly interacting particles. Such systems often feature unique properties such as high-temperature superconductivity or colossal magnetoresistance. The exact origin of such behavior is still unclear, which hinders our ability to control and increase the effects of these phenomena. The main difficulty facing researchers in this area is that these “strongly correlated” properties invariably arise in the context of a large number of competing phases, which makes it difficult to determine the individual role of each factor. In the Alpichshev group, they circumvent this problem by using ultra-short laser pulses to selectively perturb and probe the individual degrees of freedom in a strongly correlated material and study the system in the resulting transient state. The resulting information can be used to reconstruct the microscopic mechanisms behind complex phenomena with genetic data to estimate population structure and fitness variation over multiple scales.
Current Projects
Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of hybrid lead halide perovskites | 2D THz spectroscopy of correlated systems | Ultrafast dissipative processes in correlated electron systems below Planckian level
See also the group website for more information.
Lorenc D, Zhumekenov A, Bakr OM, Alpichshev Z. 2024. No extraordinary χ(3) in lead-halide perovskites: Placing an upper bound on Kerr nonlinearity by means of time-resolved interferometry. Physical Review Materials. 8(8), 085403. View
Lorenc D, Alpichshev Z. 2024. Dispersive effects in ultrafast nonlinear phenomena: The case of optical Kerr effect. Physical Review Research. 6(1), 013042. View
Lorenc D, Alpichshev Z. 2023. Mid-infrared Kerr index evaluation via cross-phase modulation with a near-infrared probe beam. Applied Physics Letters. 123(9), 091104. View
Wei Y, Volosniev A, Lorenc D, Zhumekenov AA, Bakr OM, Lemeshko M, Alpichshev Z. 2023. Bond polarizability as a probe of local crystal fields in hybrid lead-halide perovskites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 14(27), 6309–6314. View
Volosniev A, Shiva Kumar A, Lorenc D, Ashourishokri Y, Zhumekenov A, Bakr OM, Lemeshko M, Alpichshev Z. 2023. Effective model for studying optical properties of lead halide perovskites. Physical Review B. 107(12), 125201. View
ReX-Link: Zhanybek Alpichshev
Since 2018, Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
2017 – 2018 Visiting Scientist, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany
2012 – 2017 Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
2012 PhD, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
Selected Distinctions
2008 – 2010 Albion W. Hewlett Stanford Graduate Fellowship
2005 “Dynasty Foundation” Fellowship
2002 Landau Fellowship, Landau