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Bernecky Group

RNA-Based Gene Regulation

The regulated expression of genetic material is one of the most basic processes of a cell, affecting everything from organism development to environmental response. Through structural studies of the involved complexes, the Bernecky group works to unravel the gene expression regulatory networks that employ RNA as an intermediate.

RNA is an important focal point for the regulation of gene expression. Both protein-coding and noncoding RNAs are integral components of diverse regulatory pathways, and often act together with protein cofactors. Despite their importance, an understanding of the mechanisms of action of the involved RNA-protein complexes is lacking. Many of these RNA-containing complexes are flexible, modular, and lowly abundant. For such challenging targets, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has emerged as a particularly powerful tool for the determination of near-atomic structures while simultaneously providing insight into their dynamics. Using this and related methods, the Bernecky Lab aims to understand how RNA protein complexes assemble and regulate cellular RNA metabolism.


Image of Victor Cifuentes Castro

Victor Cifuentes Castro

PhD Student

Image of Leonardo Della Libera

Leonardo Della Libera

Research Technician

Image of Wanja Ehtreiber

Wanja Ehtreiber

PhD Student

Image of Annamaria Hlavata

Annamaria Hlavata

PhD Student

Image of Beata Kaczmarek

Beata Kaczmarek

PhD Student

Image of David Michalik

David Michalik

PhD Student

Image of Arsenii Solovev

Arsenii Solovev

PhD Student

Image of Anita Testa Salmazo

Anita Testa Salmazo

Research Technician

+43 2243 9000 2072

Current Projects

Molecular basis of transcriptional regulation | Transcriptional inhibition by non-coding RNA | Substrate recognition by RNA modifying enzymes


Tluckova K, Kaczmarek BM, Testa Salmazo AP, Bernecky C. 2025. Mechanism of mammalian transcriptional repression by noncoding RNA. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. View

Ramadhin AR, Lee S-H, Zhou D, Testa Salmazo AP, Gonzalo-Hansen C, van Sluis M, Blom CMA, Janssens RC, Raams A, Dekkers D, Bezstarosti K, Slade D, Vermeulen W, Pines A, Demmers JAA, Bernecky C, Sixma TK, Marteijn JA. 2024. STK19 drives transcription-coupled repair by stimulating repair complex stability, RNA Pol II ubiquitylation, and TFIIH recruitment. Molecular Cell. 84(24), 4740–4757.e12. View

Kaczmarek BM. 2024. Biochemical and structural insights into ADAR1 RNA editing. Institute of Science and Technology Austria. View

de Souza Gama FH, Dutra LA, Hawgood M, dos Reis CV, Serafim RAM, Ferreira MA, Teodoro BVM, Takarada JE, Santiago AS, Balourdas D-I, Nilsson A-S, Urien B, Almeida VM, Gileadi C, Ramos PZ, Testa Salmazo AP, Vasconcelos SNS, Cunha MR, Mueller S, Knapp S, Massirer KB, Elkins JM, Gileadi O, Mascarello A, Lemmens BBLG, Guimarães CRW, Azevedo H, Couñago RM. 2024. Novel dihydropteridinone derivatives as potent inhibitors of the understudied human kinases vaccinia-related kinase 1 and casein kinase 1δ/ε. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 67(11), 8609–8629. View

Gnyliukh N, Johnson AJ, Nagel M, Monzer A, Babic D, Hlavata A, Alotaibi S, Isono E, Loose M, Friml J. 2024. Role of dynamin-related proteins 2 and SH3P2 in clathrin-mediated endocytosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Cell Science. 137(8), jcs. 261720. View

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Since 2018 Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
2011 – 2017 Postdoc, LMU Munich and MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany
2010 – 2011 Postdoc, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
2010 PhD, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Selected Distinctions

2012 – 2014 Humboldt Research Fellowship
2005 – 2007 NIH Molecular Biophysics Training Grant
2002 Hughes Undergraduate Research Scholar (Cornell-HHMI)

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