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ISTA Colloquium

Institute Colloquium

ISTA Colloquium

An integral part of research activities are regular seminars on the latest developments in the scientific fields represented at the Institute. The ISTA Colloquium is Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)’s principal seminar series, to which leading international scientists are invited to present their research to a broad audience. ISTA Colloquia are attended by scientists from all disciplines of the life, physical, mathematical, and computer sciences. The diverse range of topics of the seminars provides a valuable interdisciplinary perspective and training for young scientists. During their visit, guests meet with ISTA students, postdocs and faculty.

The seminars are open to any interested member of the public.

Chemistry Colloquia

Chemistry Colloquia are open to all and usually take place on Thursdays at 3:30 pm (typically twice a month).

The colloquia are open to any interested member of the public. PhD students and postdocs are especially encouraged to attend. Find more information here.

A complete list of all the past speakers on the ISTA Colloquium can be found here: ISTA Colloquium Speakers


Please direct your colloquium inquiries to

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