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April 19, 2010

4 Anniversary Events at IST Austria May-June

Almost one year has passed since the official opening ceremony of IST Austria in June 2009. We are looking back at a year full of positive developments, among them:

– Several new faculty appointments, bringing the current total number of IST professors to 11
– The first Call for Admissions of our Graduate School with more than 100 applicants from 26 countries
– An ERC Grant for Nick Barton and several donations, including 10 million Euro from the Invicta Foundation

To celebrate the first year of IST Austria we would like to invite you to the four “First Anniversary Events” on the IST Campus in Klosterneuburg in May and June 2010:

May 6 – 7
Computer Science Symposium
“Reactive Modeling in Science and Engineering”

Among many distinguished speakers addressing the interface of Computer Science and Biology on May 6, and modern trends in Software and Systems Design on May 7, will be Joseph Sifakis, Turing Award Winner 2007.

Registration: before April 29, 2010 to – No registration fee!

May 29, 13:00 to 18:00 h
Open Campus Celebration

A celebration for the whole family with a paper plane contest, lectures for kids, a science parcours, BBQ and much more!
No registration necessary

June 16, 17:30 h
IST Lecture 
(in English)
Ada Yonath, Nobel Prize Laureate 2009
“The Amazing Ribosome, its Origin and its Tiny Enemies, the Antibiotics”
The IST Lectures intend to present renowned researchers and their work to a scientific audience and the general public. Please note that the number of participants is limited for this event.

Registration: before June 9, 2010 to  

June 21, 17:30
Science-Industry Talk
 (in German)
“Welche Forschung braucht Österreich?” 
This panel discussion is held in collaboration with the Federation of Austrian Industries. Please note that the number of participants is limited.

Registration: before June 14, 2010 to   

We are looking forward to welcoming you at IST Austria!


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