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May 24, 2012

Top-class Science-Industry Talk at IST Austria

How to commercialize results from basic research? This is hard to answer because the disinterested study and analysis of the fundamental processes of matter are the only promising methods in basic research. But successful institutions like the Weizmann Institute (Rehovot, Israel), which earns an annual total sum of several hundred million Dollars by exploiting its intellectual property rights, demonstrate how basic research and industrial implementation can go hand in hand.

The Science Industry Talk on June 5, 2012 will be a forum for discussing what can be learned from such institutions. Entitled “Basic Research, Economic Value and Entrepreneurship – Best Practices of International Spin-off and Technology Parks”, the symposium will be organized by the Federation of Austrian Industries and the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria and will be held on the IST campus in Klosterneuburg. Amon the top-class panelists are Tillman Gerngross, Professor of Bioengineering and multiple company founder, Barbara Mayer, co-founder and manager of Spherotec GmbH in Martinsried, David Mirelman, Professor of Molecular Biology and former Vice President of Technology Transfer at the Weizmann Institute of Science, and Gerald Murauer, IST Managing Director.


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