Kokoris Group
Secure, Private, and Decentralized Systems (SPiDerS)
In the last decades, computing enabled society to interconnect transcending the physical limits of its distributed nature. Trust is often sacrificed in the name of efficiency and speed that our era impatiently demands. Speed, however, is the enemy of trust as building trust requires friction and time. Several traditional trust-oriented institutions that ought to prioritize security and privacy over efficiency, such as banks, media, and governments, are called to adapt to this ongoing digital revolution. Our fast and interconnected digital world brings great challenges: our systems are left vulnerable to potential adversaries that can exploit the security weaknesses introduced to cope with the ferocious demand for speed.
The SPiDerS group sheds light on the benefits and shortcomings of this latest explosion of interest in the decentralized trust technologies. The group focuses on Byzantine Fault Tolerant systems and algorithms, where various interesting research questions have emerged: How can the current financial ecosystem integrate scalable decentralized systems? How can we scavenge randomness from multiple semi-trustworthy players to run publicly-verifiable lotteries or audit elections? The driving force and inspiration of the group’s research focus stems from both the technical challenges presented in existing systems, as well as the socio-technical barriers faced by conventional institutions. The SPiDerS group aspires to contribute to this rapidly-evolving digital world by designing and building secure scalable decentralized systems with real-world impact.
Current Projects
Performance and Incentives for Decentralized Systems | Cryptographically Secure Distributed Randomness Generation | Theory and Practice of Scalable Blockchains and Interoperability | Decentralized Private Data Management
Blackshear S, Chursin A, Danezis G, Kichidis A, Kokoris Kogias E, Li X, Logan M, Menon A, Nowacki T, Sonnino A, Williams B, Zhang L. 2024. Sui Lutris: A blockchain combining broadcast and consensus. Proceedings of the 2024 on ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. CCS: Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2606–2620. View
Tsimos G, Kichidis A, Sonnino A, Kokoris Kogias E. 2024. HammerHead: Leader reputation for dynamic scheduling. Proceedings – International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. ICDCS: International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 1377–1387. View
Giuliari G, Sonnino A, Frei M, Streun F, Kokoris Kogias E, Perrig A. 2024. An empirical study of consensus protocols’ DoS resilience. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ASIACCS: Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 1345–1360. View
Stefo C, Xiang Z, Kokoris Kogias E. 2023. Executing and proving over dirty ledgers. 27th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC: Financial Cryptography and Data Security, LNCS, vol. 13950, 3–20. View
Cohen S, Goren G, Kokoris Kogias E, Sonnino A, Spiegelman A. 2023. Proof of availability and retrieval in a modular blockchain architecture. 27th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC: Financial Cryptography and Data Security, LNCS, vol. 13951, 36–53. View
ReX-Link: Lefteris Kokoris Kogias
Since 2021 Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Since 2020 Research Scientist, Facebook Research/Novi, London, UK
2020 – 2020 Research Scientist, Web3 Foundation, Zug, Switzerland
2019 – 2020 Postdoc, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
2019 – 2019 Visiting Scientist, VMware Research, Palo Alto, CA, USA
2018 – 2018 Intern, IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland
2015 – 2019 PhD, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
2015 MEng, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Selected Distinctions
2018 IBM PhD Fellowship
2017 IBM PhD Fellowship
2015 EDIC PhD Fellow, EPFL
2014 NTUA Thomaidion Award