March 22, 2010
Four new professors appointed at IST Austria
The new members of the research institute work in the fields of neuroscience, evolutionary biology, cell biology, and computer science

President Thomas Henzinger this morning announced four professors who will join the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria): Assistant Professors Sylvia Cremer, Christoph Lampert, and Michael Sixt will strengthen the areas of Evolutionary Biology, Computer Science, and Cell Biology at IST Austria; Professor Peter Jonas represents Neuroscience, a new area of research at IST Austria. This raises the total number of professors at IST Austria to 11.
Christoph Lampert will start to work at IST Austria on April 1, 2010; the other three new professors are experimentalists who will begin their research on campus after the completion of the first laboratory building of IST Austria in fall 2010. President Henzinger expressed his satisfaction “that IST Austria was able to attract another four outstanding scientists. It was only a bit over a year since we announced our first professor.”