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May 4, 2012

Herbert Edelsbrunner speaks at 6th ECM

Herbert Edelsbrunner has been invited to speak at the 6th European Congress of Mathematics (ECM) held in Kraków, July 2-7, 2012. This quadrennial general mathematical meeting is organized by the European Mathematical Society (EMS) in cooperation with local universities. The general character of the program provides attendees with the unique chance to get an overlook of contemporary mathematics beyond their own field of research. The program of the congress comprises lectures giving a broad overview of active mathematical disciplines as well as more specialized talks on recent results, poster sessions and round table discussions. In his plenary lecture Herbert Edelsbrunner will talk about “Persistent Homology and Applications”.

Herbert Edelsbrunner studied Mathematics at the Graz University of Technology and finished his PhD in 1982. After a three-year employment at the Graz University of Technology he joined the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he worked as Assistant, Associate and Full Professor. At Duke University, Durham, he became Professor for Computer Science in 1999 and Professor for Mathematics in 2004. Herbert Edelsbrunner, whose research is a combination of mathematics and computer science, was appointed Professor at IST Austria in 2009.


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