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Higginbotham Group

Condensed Matter and Quantum Circuits

Quantum systems are fragile, constantly altered and disrupted by their environments. The Higginbotham group investigates electronic devices that are exceptions to this rule, aiming to understand the basic principles of their operations and develop future information-processing technology.

The Higginbotham group experimentally explores the boundaries between condensed-matter systems and quantum information processing. In practice, the group builds small electronic devices that combine superconductors, semiconductors, and mechanical oscillators. The central idea of their approach is that building rudimentary information-processing devices both teaches us about the physics of these interesting systems and advances technology such as quantum computing. Currently, the group is interested in using electromechanical and microwave measurement techniques to study quantities that are “invisible” to conventional electrical circuits.


Current Projects

Circuit electrodynamics of p-wave superconductors | Electromechanics across a quantum phase transition


Karimi B, Steffensen GO, Higginbotham AP, Marcus CM, Levy Yeyati A, Pekola JP. 2024. Bolometric detection of Josephson radiation. Nature Nanotechnology. View

Babkin S, Higginbotham AP, Serbyn M. 2024. Proximity-induced gapless superconductivity in two-dimensional Rashba semiconductor in magnetic field. SciPost Physics. 16(5), 115. View

Mukhopadhyay S, Senior JL, Saez Mollejo J, Puglia D, Zemlicka M, Fink JM, Higginbotham AP. 2023. Superconductivity from a melted insulator in Josephson junction arrays. Nature Physics. 19, 1630–1635. View

Phan DT, Falthansl-Scheinecker P, Mishra U, Strickland WM, Langone D, Shabani J, Higginbotham AP. 2023. Gate-tunable superconductor-semiconductor parametric amplifier. Physical Review Applied. 19(6), 064032. View

Díez-Mérida J, Díez-Carlón A, Yang SY, Xie YM, Gao XJ, Senior JL, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Lu X, Higginbotham AP, Law KT, Efetov DK. 2023. Symmetry-broken Josephson junctions and superconducting diodes in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. Nature Communications. 14, 2396. View

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ReX-Link: Andrew Higginbotham


Since 2023 Visiting Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
2019-2023 Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
2017-2019 Researcher, Microsoft Station Q Copenhagen
2015-2017 Postdoctoral research, JILA: NIST and CU Boulder
2010-2015 Ph.D., Harvard University
2009-2010 M.Phil., Cambridge University
2005-2009 B.Sc., Harvey Mudd College

Selected Distinctions

2016 National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship
2010 D.O.E. Office of Science Graduate Fellowship
2009 A.P.S. Apker Award Finalist
2009 Churchill Foundation Scholarship, Cambridge, UK

Additional Information

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