Who & Where
Learn who the librarians are and where their offices are located. And find out about their cooperations, publications, and conference talks.
On this site:
Library Staff
Scientific Head of the Library Facility:
Julian Fischer
Contact Manager
Where to find and how to contact the Library
The library is located on the ground floor of the Sunstone building.
The service times are Mon – Thurs 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and Fri 09:00 am – 2:00 pm. Outside of these times, ISTA employees can enter the library with their access card.
If you need anything from the library team, don’t hesitate to visit our offices room I23.EG.104 and I23.EG.105 or write a mail to library@ista.ac.at.
Cooperations & Projects
Austrian Academic Library Consortium

The Austrian Academic Library Consortium (Kooperation eMedien Österreich – KEMÖ) is an association of more than 50 libraries and information and documentation centers in Austria. The consortium’s main mission is to intensify cooperation among its members in the field of licensing and purchasing electronic resources. The coordinated acquisition of databases, electronic journals and e-books and the coordinated administration of these resources are the joint goals of the cooperation partners.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. IFLA sponsors the annual World Library and Information Congress, promoting universal and equitable access to information, ideas, and works of imagination for social, educational, cultural, democratic, and economic empowerment.
AT2OA² Austrian Transition to Open Access 2
January 01, 2021 – December 31, 2024

Based on the results of AT2OA, the primary goal of the Austrian Transition to Open Access 2 (AT2OA²) project is to further promote the transformation from closed to open access (OA) in scientific publications. This is done by developing and implementing concrete measures in five subprojects. The project is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and implemented by a consortium of Austrian academic libraries led by the University of Vienna.
AT2OA – Austrian Transition to Open Access
January 01, 2017 – December 31, 2020

As demanded in many European and national initiatives, the project Austrian Transition to Open Access (AT2OA) aims to contribute to the transformation from Closed to Open Access to scholarly publications and gradually increase the Open Access publication output by Austrian scholars in the next years.
Open Science Network Austria

Open Science Network Austria (OANA―formerly Open Access Network Austria) was established as a joint activity under the organizational umbrella of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Austrian Rectors’ Conference (UNIKO) with ISTA as one of the founding members. It develops specific recommendations for the implementation of Open Science in Austria.
November, 2015 – June, 2018

The European Data Infrastructure is a research data infrastructure initiative funded by the European Commission which aims to build a sustainable pan-European infrastructure for research data. By participating in the Data Pilot Project, the ISTA Library addresses long-term archiving of research data and increasing visibility of the institutional research outcomes.
HRSM Project: Development and Implementation of a tendering process for Austrian University Libraries
January 01, 2014 – December 31, 2016
The project is financed by the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research and is carried out by several Austrian institutions of higher education and research. Its main goal is to prepare future tendering procedures for library material like books and journals, both printed and electronic.
e-Infrastructures Austria
January 01, 2014 – December 31, 2016

e-Infrastructures Austria is a project for the coordinated establishment and development of repository infrastructures for digital resources in research and science throughout Austria to securely archive and publish digital publications, multimedia objects and other digital data resulting from research and education.
Talks & Presentations
September 12, 2019: Der Dinosaurier der Zukunft — IST REx
Doris Ernst, Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Graz
September 11, 2019: Status von Open Access in Österreich
Patrick Danowski, Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Graz
September 15, 2017: Springer Compact Austria – Auf dem richtigen Weg zu Gold Open Access?
Márton Villányi, Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Linz
September 14, 2017: “Know when to hold ’em, stow ’em or throw ’em”-Forschungsdatenmanagement am IST Austria
Barbara Petritsch, Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Linz
September 14, 2017: Das freie Bibliothekssystem Koha in Österreich ‐ Rückblicke, Einblicke und Ausblicke
Márton Villányi, Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Linz
June 22, 2016: Metadata for research data in practice
Barbara Petritsch, e-infrastructures Austria workshop: Metadata Management – the way to Open Science, Wien
June 17, 2016: IST DataRep – implementing an institutional repository
Barbara Petritsch, Open Repositories 2016, Dublin
September 17, 2015: Open Source Bibliothekssysteme als Alternative? Erfahrung am IST Austria mit Koha
Márton Villányi, Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Wien
September 17, 2015: Forschungsdaten Repository DataRep am IST Austria – Vorbereitung, Einführung, Ausblick
Barbara Petritsch, Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Wien
September 16, 2015: Library Science Fiction – Was geht in der Welt von morgen?
Patrick Danowski, Österreichischer Bibliothekartag, Wien
August 19, 2015: The e-only library – Mission Impossible?
Patrick Danowski, FGV Digital Libraries, Rio de Janeiro
March 03, 2015: Linked Open Data
Patrick Danowski, ÖGDI Update, Wien
January 15, 2015: e-infrastructures Austria, Cluster A – Repositories
Patrick Danowski, OANA Treffen, Wien
August 20, 2014: Can repositories be fun? Thinking about repositories
Patrick Danowski, FGV Digital Libraries, Rio de Janeiro