LSF Ausstattung

70 l total volume / 50 l operating volume
(Applikon Biotechnology)
- Operating Module
(Applikon Biotechnology) - High Speed Centrifuge Z41
(CEPA) - Steam Generator
Crosslinker CL-1000
(AL Labortechnik)
Hybridisation oven Hybaid Shake`N Stack Oven
Cell Disruption

Pressure Cell TS1.1
(Constant System)
French Press SPCH

Tabeltop Multifuge X3R; 5418
High speed Sorvall RC-6Plus
Fiberlite F14S-6x 250ml, F13S-14x 40ml, HB6-6x 50ml
High speed Lynx 4000
F12-6x500LEX, F14-6x250y, A27-8×50
High speed Sorvall Centrifuge RC-12
H12000Bioprocessing Swing bucket rotor 6 x 2.4l
Ultra centrifuge Optima MAX-XP
MLA-130 (10x 2ml), MLA-80 (8x 8ml), TLA-100 (20x 0.2ml)
Ultra centrifuge Optima XPN 100 and 80
70Ti (8x 39ml), 45Ti (6x 94ml), SW41Ti (6x 13.2ml)
Cold Storage

Freezers -20°C tower and under bench
Freezers -80°C VIP Plus
Fridges tower and under bench
Ice Machine AF100 Ice Flaker
LN2 Tanks LN2 Sample Storage Biosafe 220, LN2 Sample Storage 10K
(Tayler-Wharton; Cryotherm)
LN2 Sample Storage liquid LS6000/gaseous biosafe XL-240
DNA/RNA Analysis

2100 Bioanalyzer
Qubit 2.0
(Life Technologies)

(GE Healthcare Life Sciences)
ÄKTA Prime Plus
(GE Healthcare Life Sciences)
Gel Docs

Quantum Model 1100
GelDoc XR+Imager
Histocom Cryostat HM 560 Cryo-Star
Histocom Rotationsmicrotome Microm HM355S
Vibratome VT1200 S
Liquid Handling Robots

Janus Automated Workstation
(Perkin Elmer)
Molecular Imaging

Fusion FX7
Amersham Imager 600
Radiation Detection

Scintillation Counter 300SL
Osmometer 3320

NanoDrop 2000
Colibri µl Spectrophotometer
2600 Photospectrometer
Plate Reader SynergyH1-MF
Plate Reader and Stacker Infinite M1000 Pro
Plate Reader Infinite F500
Spectramax M2e
(Molecular Devices)
Plasma Cleaner

Plasma Cleaner Zepto
Plasma Cleaner PDC-200
(Harrick Plasma)

qPCR CFX1000
Light Cycler 96 + 386
Sample concentrators

Freezedryer Freezone 2.5
Savant™ SPD131DDA SpeedVac™ Concentrator

Bioruptor Plus
Q700 sonicator
Tissue Culture
Bio Safety Laminar Flow Hoods
CO2 Incubators
Microscope DFC450
Microscope CKX41 Fluo
BSL2 tissue culture:
- Ultra MTX150
available rotors:
S80-AT3 (8x 8.3ml), S100-AT3 (20x 0.2ml), S140-AT (10x 2ml)
Stem Cell tissue culture :
- Electroporator 2D-Nucleofector® Core Unit
Water Treatment

MilliQ Advantage integral
(Merck Millipore)