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22. Jan 2021

Neural heterogeneity promotes robust learning

Datum: 22. January 2021 | 16:00 – 17:00
Sprecher: Dan Goodman, Imperial College London
Veranstaltungsort: Online

The brain has a hugely diverse, heterogeneous structure. By contrast, many functional neural models are homogeneous. We compared the performance of spiking neural networks trained to carry out difficult tasks, with varying degrees of heterogeneity. Introducing heterogeneity in membrane and synapse time constants substantially improved task performance, and made learning more stable and robust across multiple training methods, particularly for tasks with a rich temporal structure. In addition, the distribution of time constants in the trained networks closely matches those observed experimentally. We suggest that the heterogeneity observed in the brain may be more than just the byproduct of noisy processes, but rather may serve an active and important role in allowing animals to learn in changing environments. 

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22. January 2021
16:00 – 17:00

Dan Goodman, Imperial College London



IST Austria / University of Oxford


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