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23. Feb 2024

Motor Control Across Scales

The 2nd FENS Satellite Symposium for Early Career Researchers on Neuronal Motor Circuits

Datum: 23. February 2024 | 08:15 – 21:30
Veranstaltungsort: Moonstone Seminar Center
Sprache: Englisch

We are very excited to announce the FENS Satellite Symposium on Neuronal Motor Circuits, the day before the main FENS meeting.

This FENS satellite event will bring together scientists interested in motor circuits across scales, species, regions of the nervous system, and granularity. Presentations will highlight this diversity in the areas of sensory-motor integration; development and evolution of cell types and connectivity; pathological and physiological plasticity; and motor planning and execution. Researchers at all career levels are encouraged to apply but preference for talks will be given to early career researchers (young group leaders, postdocs, students) to present their recent research.

We ask you to formally register. We aim exclusively for an in-person event.

Organizing Committee:
Lora Sweeney (ISTA)
Rune Berg (University of Copenhagen)
Julien Bouvier (CNRS Paris)
Graziana Gatto (University Hospital Cologne)
Maarten Zwart (Centre of Biophotonics St Andrews)

Weitere Informationen:

23. February 2024
08:15 – 21:30

Moonstone Seminar Center



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